Our terrific ACC community of professionals, including all our sponsors, is a network on which I have become increasingly reliant when facing these new challenges and opportunities. The changes around us-whether social, political, technological, scientific, economic or otherwise-require that we help our clients navigate through new and increasingly complex legal landscapes, which profoundly impact the companies for which we work, our communities, and the legal profession at large.In many instances, we are responsible to help shape those new legal landscapes. (Yes - ACC has chapters in 85 countries outside of the U.S!). A team that provides abundant opportunities to learn, teach, mentor, and share top quality legal advice.A team that enables us to advocate, brainstorm, give back to our communities, meet, network and socialize with friends and colleagues all over the country and world. I've come to think of the ACC network as one very large, multi-national, best in class in house legal team. As I enter my second year as President of the ACCNJ, I notice that our Chapter, and the ACC at large, has never been more relevant and important for those of us practicing in house in New Jersey and across the nation and world.